Sunday, February 7, 2016

Tasting - "Dynamite Sauvignon Blanc"

1. Dynamite Sauvignon Blanc
a. Variety: Sauvignon Blanc
b. Region: Lake County, California
c. Country: USA
d. Year: 2012
e. Price: $5.95 (On sale from $13)  
This Sauvignon Blanc is reminiscent of the Blanc from Last week. It had a sulfurous smell that I could identify as cat pee just like last week. However, this time it was much stronger and more pungent. In fact I don't think I would have gone any further with it had I not remembered that the wine I had last week was sweet. This Sauvignon Blanc followed suite with a sweet taste. The strongest tastes were the tart and sour ones though. All the flavors lingered in my mouth for much longer this time. Probably because I was a bit dehydrated. I have learned to identify the sweet and sour taste with the sour apple jolly rancher because of the sweet tartness you get with a refreshing hint of apple. I'd pair it with some pasta and Parmesan cheese. No meat sauce because I think the seasoned meat would fight it out with the wine flavors. The subtle bite of the Parmesan on the pasta would cut the sour taste of the wine and the sweetness would be the lingering taste. I wouldn't have it on its own again but I'd like it with a nice pairing.

What Others Say: Well apparently I got it all wrong. This website has a note from the winery commenting on its overwhelming fruitiness. They also speak to its complexity and sweet tones. They suggest having it with mussels and herbs such as garlic, parsley, and thyme. Very counter intuitive to what I thought, but A strong herbal food may mas the tartness of the wine. It is marine inspired so seafood could go very well.

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